Here are bits of randomness we've been up to lately, in picture-walk form, as a true Kindergarten teacher would have it :) ....
I come to get Bennett up from his nap and find him here lecturing all of his little friends about the important "do's" and "don'ts" in our house. Funny boy.
We attempted another trip to the zoo with our buddies, but have since called those efforts quits because it's just too stressful right least I tried!...And Bennett sure enjoyed running a-muck with his friend, Cason :)
Celebrated Flag Day (never even knew there was such a thing until I had a kid who is obsessed with them) with cupcakes and our flag bathing suit. Doesn't get much better than that, eh, Benito?
Visited Mimi and Poppy and got some super cute pictures, swimming, and grilled hamburgers out of the deal. Sweet.
Went to Summer Spectacular - our VBS on steroids - which was, in fact.....spectacular!
(Bennett was actually quite ecstatic about the whole production, though you wouldn't know it from the picture)
Jasper John turned three months old, which is quite an accomplishment if you ask me. To celebrate, I took him to have his pictures made ("Thanks a bunch for that experience, Mom," he says.), which ended up being an all day affair since the cool lady forgot to turn on her flash for the first round.
Bennett re-defined the phrase "pick up your toys" by interpreting the words literally.
Of his own desire and choosing, my son decided to dust-bust the entire main area of our house - Glory be! This is him pausing to clean up his kitchen as well.
Bennett took Jasper grocery shopping. You're looking at a patient, patient baby.
The boys had a little chat.
Jasper's sprouting some chubbier cheeks. Ah, fat babies - how I do adore thee :)
We celebrated a Fabulous Father's Day. Man oh man, Michael sure is a great Daddy to our boys. They are so blessed, and someday they'll really know it. I know it and reap the benefits now :) We sure do love you, hon!
....And that's how we been kickin' it here, my friends :)
My Homemade Vanilla Experiment
4 hours ago
I just LOVE seeing Bennett lecture his good friends. It's so cute and smart!
The photo with Jasper in the grocery cart is priceless.
I love it
love all the cute pics! bennett looks tan and blond...boy am i jealous!
I love that pic of Cason and Bennett. They really did look so much alike that day. We have so much fun every time we get together. I know it is hard many times, but it is oh, so worth it! Those boys adore each other. And I am pretty fond of Bennett's mom too.
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