Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Tomorrow is the day. Jasper's eye surgery is scheduled for 7:00am. If you read this in time, please say a quick prayer for my baby. For more info on his condition and the surgery itself, go HERE.

Yesterday I took him to his pre-op appointment and since then I've been nothing but a bucket of tears. The stress that has built up over this little fella is finally starting to overwhelm me and overflow (so some added prayers for peace would also be appreciated!). It has been such a long road with my little one, wanting so badly for him to be all better and not have to make so many doctor's visits for so many different reasons.

I know the Lord holds Jasper in His arms and that He has unique and special plans just for him, but as his imperfect mommy, it's easy to get overwhelmed and discouraged and to feel like this is a never-ending road, though I know it isn't true.

Jasper is the sweetest, most easy-going little thing and I love him to pieces. I can't help but want all good, wonderful things for him. But I also know that God will bring things that will challenge and strengthen him (and me, as I watch helplessly from the sidelines!), and I have to remember this as he grows and becomes the man God intends him to be.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers and encouragement to our family during this time. We are storing it all up in our hearts and are overflowing with gratitude.


Megan said...

I just posted a similar comment to this on my sister-in-law's site. They are having a lot of health problems with their third son. It is so hard when our little ones are suffering and it is totally out of our control. I will be praying for you guys and especially little Jasper. I pray that all goes well tomorrow morning.