Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Okay, the snow days here are getting a little ridiculous. Michael's school already has Friday and Monday off, and he has been off since Tuesday because of the crazy weather here, so he's essentially getting an extra Spring Break a couple months early. Here in our little house, we're running out of ideas to keep us all sane and entertained. Here's all we've done so far:

*Jumped on an icy, snow-packed trampoline
*Clomped down the sidewalk on our street several times
*Fixed broken toys and books
*Set up a play doh and puzzles table
*Watched one of the ka-jillion Land Before Time movies about a dozen times
*Read LOTS of books
*Baked cookies
*Built towers out of legos and our magnetic builders (lost count of how many)
*Made pancakes for dinner
*Made a giant jumping/wrestling pad on the living room floor
*Danced to fun, upbeat kid music by Go Fish (highly recommend)
*Cleaned both bathrooms (that was me)
*Three loads of laundry (just me again)
*Vacuumed, swept and mopped the house (Michael - WaHOOO!)
*Piled pillows, blankets and stuffed animals in Jasper's crib and let the boys wade through it all
*Took a short ride in the car to the main road by our house to see how icy it was (very)
*Taken long naps (Can't complain about this - both boys have slept 3+ hours the last two days!)
*Made plans to work out that have fallen through two days in a row
*Played hide and seek
*Worked a bit on my second book (have a bit over 50 pages so far)
*Actually washed my hair today

Holy Moly, I'm exhausted just thinking about it! I think tomorrow we're going to start working on re-caulking our bathrooms (joy), break out the coloring books, make some kick-butt omelets, and work on some Valentine cards. Trying to keep an upbeat, positive attitude for the family; snowy cold weather is fun when it's brief, but good gracious! I live in Texas for a reason, people!