Friday, August 5, 2011


I almost always leave our church on Sunday mornings amazed and grateful by the message our preacher has brought to the pulpit. He truly is gifted from the Lord with the ability to bring the Word to life and get to the heart of things in scripture.

Last week in particular really spoke to me. He started a new series, and the first week was about being a fan or a follower of Christ. It's SO easy to kick back and cheer for Jesus, but not really get involved, get our feet wet, get our hands dirty. It's so easy for me to forget what I'm doing here when I get busy and caught up in life. It seems like the first things to go are my spiritual disciplines. I do struggle with slipping into fan-dom, and having this reminder was needed.

I want to be a follower of Christ, not just a fan looking on from the sidelines. I want to be active and involved. I want to be faithful and keep on running the race! Lots of cliches here, I know. That's why I'm not the preacher at our church :). I'm not communicating this nearly as well as he did, but essentially it was a good wake up call for me. That this world is not my home and I'm not here just to take up space or be a good (or even excellent) cheerleader. We were made for more than that.


Kristi Petrak said...

I saw a video where the preacher was talking about that!! I loved it--and I agree!! It's so much easier to cheer and say "Yea Jesus!" than to really do the work it takes to be a Christian. Life catches us off guard, and then we are expected to keep working for God and with Him. It is so hard, but we keep trying because we know what amazing glory awaits us!! Keep having faith :) Love your blog!! K