For 53 days now, I have been doing a study called "The Lord's Table." It is a 60-day bible study found on, and is centered around becoming free from the sin of gluttony. I can't say it any more bluntly than that. This is the study I've referred to in a couple of blog entries. It has truly, completely changed my life.
First, for the superficial, fleshly, selfish benefits of this study. I've lost 10 lbs. and will continue to lose weight without a doubt, until I reach whatever weight it is that's ideal for my height/body type because of the way this has changed my outlook and relationship with food. I have more energy. I can eat whatever I want, within the godly, controlled boundaries that are biblical and right. The weight will stay off. I don't have to worry about that anymore.
And the spiritual, in depth, lasting benefits: I have a thirst and a desire for the Word of God that I have NEVER experienced in my life before. Ever. I am closer to God, and He speaks to me clearly more often than He ever has (because I'm finally listening!). I have rid myself of the idol of food. I am working on ridding myself of other things that take up too much time and space in my life, and God is working on me in other specific areas of my attitude/spirit as well. I have never understood more clearly what Jesus did for me, and what He still does for me, how alive He is, and how potent His words are. I never knew how alive and active the Word of God is until now. I never knew how to humble myself and lean on God's strength and provision as He is teaching me now. I have never prayed for others and had a heart for others as I do now. And with all I have learned, I am THRILLED to know that my journey of learning will never end! God teaches me new things each and every day I commit my life to Him, and that will go on and on, and this is exciting to me. All of these things are gifts from the Lord, fruits of the Spirit that have come from ridding my life of habitual sin, from the grace and mercy of God, and from focusing on and persevering in the Lord Jesus Christ.
All of that said, here is why I began this study, and why it has taken me so long to write this post.
I knew about a year ago that I had a real problem. I'd eat when I wasn't hungry, when I was sad, mad, stressed, bored, excited, celebrating, in a social situation, etc. etc. I'd eat because I was out and about with the boys and something just sounded good. I'd eat because I "deserved" it after the day I'd had. I'd eat to reward myself, I'd eat to punish myself. Pretty much, I turned to food for all the answers. And last fall (almost a year ago) God began showing me this. I was convicted, and I felt like God was telling me something big would have to happen to change this. I had been stagnant and slow in my spiritual life for far longer than I want to admit, and this, along with my sin, was painful to acknowledge, especially when coupled with my pride. But I researched online and found a book about an abstinence diet. Pretty much it talked about how scientifically, some people have chemicals in their brains that react more strongly and make you addicted to food. Like you can't help yourself or have self-control if you eat certain foods. I thought, "That's me!" So I stringently, faithfully began the diet, which meant NO fats, sugars or wheat of ANY kind. You also had to weigh and measure EVERYthing. This led to a very time consuming, very money consuming way of life, and after a month, I just couldn't keep it up anymore. I felt like a hamster on a wheel. Besides that, I was literally, LITERALLY gagging down my food. It was miserable. So after that flopped completely, I decided to try a website called, which is very similar to Weight Watchers, but it's counting actual calories, rather than points that represent calories. You plug in everything - your food, your exercise, etc. etc., and when your balance is what it should be, you lose weight. That didn't really get off the ground either. Because my problem wasn't with my weight. My problem - as God so mercifully revealed to me this summer - was a sin problem with food. Amazingly, God has even used the book He gave me the ideas and material to write, to keep a firm grip on me, and continue reminding me that I had a big problem, and that He is the only answer.
This summer I was shown the website and looked at The Lord's Table study. It made me nervous, but I took the plunge and started it, desperate to really be free from my unhealthy relationship with food. Even as I began, I thought, this is going to be yet another gimmick, another disappointment, and I'm going to come out of it even more miserable than before. So I was shocked and WONDERFULLY surprised when I did my first day's study, and it was completely, utterly centered around the glory of the Lord, and made it clear that it's not about me, and I can't overcome habitual sin on my own strength or will power, but I can do it with Jesus Christ. I was immediately relieved. From there, it taught about the power and potency of the Word of God in a way I've never heard or experienced before, and that is what has changed my life.
It has taken me a while to write this, because I'm still flawed, I'm still a human of the flesh who messes up, makes mistakes, etc., and I don't want to boast in myself in ANY way. I am also not pointing fingers or sitting in judgment of anyone. I am writing this to boast in Jesus Christ, and the way He, in His loving kindness, healing grace, and the power of His blood, has truly set me free from a lifetime of the habitual sin of gluttony. He has done this, and is continuing this good work in me, and I write this to glorify His name for setting me free and righting my priorities. The idol of food has been crushed in my life, and it's yet another miraculous healing in my life that I give praise to God for.
I write this to say, if you struggle with food, if you have a relationship with food, if you are dependent on food in any way (or anything else, for that matter), if you eat in excess habitually (which is the definition of gluttony), I encourage you to check out this website. It's Christ-centered, bible based, and God is using it as His tool to set free thousands of people from the things in life that bind and trap them.
I have lost weight and am continuing to do so, and yes, this is a wonderful by-product, but even more than that, I am face to face with Jesus, and He is doing a great work in my life, all thanks to Him!
I'll end this post with several scriptures and several quotes that I've saved from the study:
1 Corinthians 6:12
For all things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be mastered by anything.
Psalm 73:25-26
Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And besides Thee, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 23:1-6
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul; He guides me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You have anointed my head with oil; My cup overflows. Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
“When we truly believe in Jesus, we are essentially saying ‘Jesus, I believe you will give me food which will satisfy me eternally, and I do not need to overeat to be satisfied.’" --The Lord's Table Study
“Fasting is not a no to the goodness of food or the generosity of God in providing it. Rather, it is a way of saying, from time to time, that having more of the Giver surpasses having the gift. Food is good. But God is better.” -John Piper, A Hunger for God
“Let us note another one of Satan's goals in tempting us. He wants us to doubt our relationship with God, and to focus on meeting our own needs without Him. The devil hates anything requiring humility and dependence upon God, and loves to tell us of our own self-sufficiency. Satan's goal in tempting a Christian is to overthrow his relationship to God and to cut off his dependence on the Lord.” --The Lord's Table Study
"Feeding on Jesus Christ is the way out of slavery to sinful habits! As we become full of Him, through meditating on the Bible and living it out, we discover our freedom. Freedom follows fullness."
--The Lord's Table Study
"Here is a truth to memorize: To truly stop overeating habits, ongoing intimacy with God is required."
--The Lord's Table Study
There may be a whole bunch of you who read this and think, "What on earth?!" and don't understand what I'm talking about, or have never had a serious struggle like this. Praise God that you haven't! But I'm writing this as a testimony to encourage anyone else who has been through this as well, and for anyone who has been waiting to find the answer to their problem: the answer is God - His Word, His Truth, His freedom. And this study I've done focuses on all of this specifically. If you need help with something that has way too much control in your life, I encourage you to check out the website. It calls for biblical radical change, and rightly so, because God has used this study to radically change thousands of lives, and I will be thankful for the rest of my life that I'm one of them.
P.S. If you have any questions or want to know more, feel free to ask. I'm not ashamed to share where I've been because it's part of my testimony, and it reveals how real and true God's glory and power are, all the more.

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